Exam Prep

Score top results and expand your options.

We use the most effective materials and resources available, to fully prepare and guide students through the examination and university application processes.


SAT I and SAT II (subject) prep courses are designed to maximize scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Our private tutors use the most effective materials and resources available, and guide each student individually, helping them to build their own learning strategies. The overarching aim is to improve both accuracy and speed in the tests, thereby amplifying results.


IELTS is the International English Language Testing System which tests English proficiency across the globe. The tests are conducted up to four times a month. You can choose from two types of IELTS tests: academic or general training.

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Ready to get the coaching required to achieve your academic potential?

Don't Wait, Get Started Now. We guarantee higher grades and a confident student ready to fit into any system.


Take your classes at conveniently located, KHDA approved institutes.

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Teachers are very supportive. Cordoba helped me to improve my grades with subject knowledge and exam skills.




Now bigger and better!

In order to provide our parents and students with the best possible service, we have brought Cordoba Institute and Knowledge Quotient under a common portal: StayAhead - Never Stop Learning.